Well, I've done it. I've submitted my first iPhone application to Apple. At first I didn't realize I'd need to come up with a company name and create a website for said company. Now, witness the birth of SpaghettiForge! The name is a little self-deprecating humour about every coder's ability to sometimes turn perfectly good ideas into a tangled plate of bad compartmentalization.
The app I've submitted is called TouchMines. It's a minesweeper clone that's completely free, while the other 3 available minesweeper apps cost $0.99. The other developers shouldn't be too worried about my undercutting their prices, because my 1.0 release is very feature-bare and really can only compete for free. When I release future updates, there may have to be come friendly competition and innovation going on (let's hope!).
I also hope this is the just the first of many free, relatively useful apps that I'll release over the coming year.